Old friends

Well, they weren’t exactly old! but were my old work colleagues which we met at the Fox in Finchingfield, When I pulled up at the pub I thought it was closed as it had scaffolding all around it, but it turned out that they were just re doing the roof.

Everyone I wanted to see turned up and managed to get off work for the hour and some of us had lunch and we chatted with everyone and had a real nice time of it. My friends Helen and Sheila spread the word for me and they and a few of the IT guys turned up including Chris, and a nice young lady, with Pete (now married since we last met) and Stuart, still the same as ever, Stuart is getting thinner and Pete is err… filling out. Helen and Sheila are both still as mad as ever.

After the lunch we called in to see our friends Betty and Roy in Braintree, they are knocking on their 80’s now so can officially be classed as old friends!

Everyone seems to be having boiler trouble at the moment, but I suppose that’s just because it’s the start of winter and boilers that have been little used during the summer months are now being tested again. In China I only have to worry about Air conditioners. Heat isn’t a problem, well most of the year anyway. It will however start to cool down a little from the normal 30 deg C, when we go back as it is now sliding into our winter so although no frost or snow or even very low temps, lowest will be around 16 or so and jeans will have to replace my normal shorts for a couple of months.

They had a bit of a typhoon while we have been away, but normally it doesn’t do much damage or anything in our city which is surrounded by mountains to fend off the worst of the weather.

It is however still freezing here (well for me anyway) in the UK, and am missing the heat.

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